Emergency Preparedness

Buckelew Suicide Prevention Hotline

We can all help prevent suicide. The hotline provides 24/7, free, confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. Call (415) 499-1100 (For grief support, call 415-499-1195)

Phone: (415) 499-1100

Website: http://www.buckelew.org/programs/north-bay-suicide-prevention

201 Alameda del Prado, #103
c/o Buckelew Programs
Novato, CA 94949 

MarinHealth Medical Center Emergency Department

MarinHealth Medical Center’s Emergency Department is located in the Oak Pavilion; the Emergency Department and Trauma Center include five trauma bays and 20 private patient rooms, including negative pressure and decontamination rooms engineered to keep contagious pathogens from spreading into the rest of the ED. Rooms are designed to provide visual, auditory, and olfactory isolation for maximum patient privacy. Patients needing surgery or interventional heart procedures can easily be moved to those departments directly above the ED through a unique private elevator. Patients needing surgery or interventional heart procedures can easily be moved to those departments directly above the ED through a unique private elevator.

We offer several critical services that are not available at other local hospitals:


Website: https://www.mymarinhealth.org/programs-services/emergency-care

250 Bon Air Road
Greenbrae, CA 94904

Novato Community Hospital

Novato Community Hospital, a Sutter Health affiliate, is fully accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and has a knowledgeable and caring professional staff that provides patients with highly personalized healthcare using state-of-the-art technology. Novato Community Hospital provides a 24-hour Emergency Department, Intensive Care, State- of-the-Art Surgery Center, Joint Replacement & Sports Surgery Program, and Outpatient Digital Imaging Services.

Phone: (415) 209-1300

Website: http://www.novatocommunity.sutterhealth.org

180 Rowland Way
Novato, CA 94945

Kaiser Permanente: San Rafael Medical Center

Phone: (415) 444-2000

Website: https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/care-near-you/northern-california/sanrafael/

99 Montecillo Rd
San Rafael, CA 94903

Public Health Preparedness

The Marin County Health and Human Services (HHS) Public Health Preparedness (PHP) Program is responsible for the administration of the Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP), Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP), and Pandemic Influenza grants. The PHP program leads the medical and health planning efforts for emergency response to disasters that impact the health of our community. PHP works with many stakeholders, including healthcare facilities, community-based organizations, law enforcement, fire personnel, city and town governments, and other programs within HHS, to ensure a coordinated and effective response for the whole community.

Email: PHPManager@marincounty.org

Website: https://www.marinhhs.org/public-health-preparedness

1600 Los Gamos Dr. Suite 220
San Rafael, CA 94903

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